What’s Aiden so excited for?
Duck feeding time!
There are 2 big parks in Cerritos, but the super huge one doesn’t allow us to feed the ducks.
We spent a good time at the park.
It was after the rain so some parts were wet.
Aiden was a little scared until Daddie picked him up.
We’ve been here a few times but this is the first time he’s got to do so much exploring.
Glad Aiden was in good hands, as I stayed AWAY!
The only thing is their activity center is a bit old and broken down.
I didn’t want Aiden to touch the wood as he’d probably end up with some nasty splinters.
We basically stayed with this “flat” slide.
He was very cautious going down at first.
High enough to see lots of activities going on.
With each time he went up the slide, he got braver and braver.
And he was also very fixated on the empty juice container on the floor.
Even when Daddie kicked it below the slide, he still continued to point to it.
This weekend he learned “拳頭” (fist)
He learned it so quickly, while we were driving.
He also learned “大” by opening his arms wide open, like Mommie.
Daddie was so busy with work that he didn’t get to see much of Aiden.
He didn’t see him for almost 2 days.
And when Daddie saw Aiden, he felt that Aiden grew up so much.
He learned ak tau (forehead).
I’ve tried to teach him this forever, but he had always confused it with “head”
He is really good with applying things he learns.
Like listening to Elmo’s song..
If you’ve heard it before you know that Elmo shares his song with others
His song becomes others songs.
Without our help or urging he adapted it to “Aiden’s song”
And he went up the stairs to go down the slide all on his own.
He even told me to “go!”
He’s into building “train” lego these days.
But in my head, it looks more like ships.
His vocabulary has improved tremendously.
But his temper has probably gotten worse too.
He gets frustrated when we don’t understand.
And he’ll throw things that he was working on to express his frustration.
Here’s his train!
But sometimes he likes to make a bunch of small trains.
And he likes to pretend they will crash.
This week he also refuse to ride in Mommie’s car a few times.
Daddie’s car is just much more appealing.
One time I was able to get him to go into my car by saying “Do you want to get up to the car seat on your own?”
That made him feel like a big boy so he was willing to listen.
The other time, I sat with him in Daddie’s car for a few minutes.
Sometimes Aiden will ask to call his Grandmama.
Other times he will want to facetime with Grandpa and Grandma.
Sometimes he is willing to perform or answer.
Other times he just completely ignores anything and everything we say.
The last week or so I started to implement timeout again.
Usually he listens by the time I count to ten…
But there are times he just wants his way and refuses to listen.
But the doctor did say keep feeding him reasons and explanations and he will get it.
I think so too!
He understands so much!
When I tell him he upsets me, he will say 媽媽, 媽媽 愛你 until I am not mad anymore.
And he will want hugs after that.
Sometimes he won’t let Daddie help him, but he wants Mommie to.
We’re trying to teach him to say 2 years old with the right number of fingers showing.
The downside this week is it has been very cold.
It’s our first time turning on the heat since moving here.
This way Aiden didn’t have to put on too much clothes.
He had a pretty high fever.
His fever wouldn’t go down and so we gave him popsicle – that helped.
He also barfed – and that scared him because he didn’t know what was happening.
But good thing he was always up and moving – let him listen to some Aaron Kwok and dance!
He went to the Doctor’s the next day – with clothes on Aiden was 25 pounds.
Dr. Wong said that Aiden is such a good and smart boy.
Aiden was also very happy to get his crocs in the mail – mix and match :X
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Most Beautiful Smile !
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