Who’s the joke on?
Me – of course!
Whose playing the joke?
Take a wild guess!
He sure tires me out!
Says he has to go to the bathroom, but he doesn’t have to go.
Or worse yet, I didn’t realize how quickly he needs to go.
Thank goodness his daycare is doing most of the hard part.
Aiden is just like me, he is such a drama king!
So many silly antics and expressions.
I don’t know what’s up with pulling up his shirt.
Showing off his little belly
Don’t know if he will lose the belly, he loves to eat so much.
But it’s all good, at least he usually enjoys my cooking.
But eating vegetables still is tough because like us he rather eat things with more taste to it.
He goes back and forth with meat too.
One moment he likes it and next minute he doesn’t.
I’m quite surprised that he liked my drunken chicken, especially when Galen and I both feel that was my worst batch ever.
But this guys is always surprising us.
He’s got pretty good memory, like every time he sees the legs to his broken stool, he will mention that Daddie broke it.
That really helps with his language development, especially since we want him to be fluently bilingual in both Chinese and English.
These sunglasses have retired – he broke them.
Probably thinking Daddie or Mommie can fix it for him.
But not everything can be fixed my boy.
Good thing an empty stomache can be.
Plenty of food for Aiden at Fleming’s.
Bread for starters.
What did he dip the bread in – ranch dressing!
Celery with ranch dressing. He actually ate a couple bites of the raw dressing. But then he would only slurp up the ranch dressing.