Sometimes it takes a lot for AIden to fall asleep. Oh no! He’s going to take after Mommie??? Some things that have helped him sleep is playing with his toy bunny or blankie. But this particular afternoon it did…
Author: Amy
A couple of new things were introduced to Aiden today. His little bath toy, which was not love at first sight. His Daddie squirted him in the face by mistake (very little actually got on him) and he cried a…
Little AIden is able to roll from his tummy onto his back now… Though he hasn’t mastered it yet. We’ve also been letting him sit with us during dinner time. Just to see how it should be like…
Now that Aiden has mastered rolling from his back onto his tummy (turning to his left), changing his diaper or putting on his clothes can become somewhat of a hassle. Hopefully he knows to stay put when it’s time to…