Aiden’s energy level seems to fluctuate every other day. Yesterday he seemed awake and ready to play when I was home, but today he just kind of just sleeps. Something we noticed, is lately he’s been shedding his baby…
Category: Aiden & Jadynn
Aiden loves to play. He plays the imitation game. You stick out your tongue and he will stick out his. He likes to play pretend. Going bicycling around the neighborhood, swimming in the pool, and wherever else Mommie decides…
Uh oh! Black eye? Nope, thank goodness Aiden was just having a short crying bout. Nothing that a feeding session can’t fix. And a little playing time with Daddie is a bonus. He slept very well today. So come…
Aiden had two nightmares and woke up crying. Throughout the day he also cried for one reason or another, causing red specks all over his face. We hate it when he cries, but sometimes it’s good for him. He’s…