下午茶時候 當然要試試林子善嘅餐廳啦. 菠蘿油炒蛋 – the egg was good Didn’t bother to snap a picture of Amy’s 杏仁霜 as there was no taste and she had to put sugar in it to make it right.
Category: Hong Kong 2013
Another restaurant recommended by “阿蘇出駕”… Auntie Monkichi had ink pasta with big shrimp. Escargot The baked tomato/pork rice couldn’t compare to 太平館. The lamb chops weren’t gamy nor tender enough. Amy didn’t get to enjoy her meal as Aiden has…
Jet lag? Need time to adjust to new surroundings? Aiden seems to be doing pretty well on the surface. There are a few set backs, but overall Aiden did well on the flight and loves his temporary home. Grandpa and…
Aiden’s first real tantrum at a restaurant. Is it because the food wasn’t too his liking? No, just the adults had mediocre reviews of the food. We stuck Aiden back in his stroller and he was okay, probably super sleepy….