EYT – Lazy Ox Canteen & Fat Spoon

Eat Yourself Tonight – 今晚食自己

Wifey went out with her friend tonight; so I headed to J-Town to have dinner with a few friends as well. Tonight, we are re-visiting Lazy Ox Canteen as well as trying the newly opened Fat Spoon next to 大黑家.

Re-visiting Lazy Ox Canteen, last time we came was back in Janurary 2010.

Lets see if they are still as goog as before.

We were scratching head what to order tonight as their menu seems to be much smaller compare to our last visit and they don’t have as many interesting dishes now.


My Ozeno Yukidoki from Japan and JasonCayman’s La Chouffe from Belgium.  The Ozeno has a very refreshing minty taste, 甘甘地.


Cured meat plate (duck prosciutto, speck & chorizo)


Soft poached egg with cured lemon, quinoa & crispy pork belly.  Janice’s frist reaction: 咁酸既.

We might had made the wrong choice, a few of the plates we ordered were quite sour.


Anson mills polenta with creamed mushrooms & curry.


Caramelized cauliflower with chile, mint & pine nuts. 又係酸既


Caramelized rabbit leg with tomatillo, avocado, & lime.  都係酸酸地既.


Black truffle pomme puree.  This is the best dish of the night, the black truffle aroma smells so good and the mashed potatoes was very tasty too.


Buttered spaghetti squash with persillade.  Very cheesy.


Crispy soft shell crab with coleslaw & smoked paprika aioli.


10oz niman ranch ribeye steak.  After all the above dishes, we felt a little disappointed and decided to go for 2nd dinner.


2nd dinner @ Fat Spoon… just opened for 5 days.


Wine pairing with curry?


花籃 from next door 大黑家… it looks like from one of the Yakuza gang.



Pork cutlet with curry over rice.  不過不失喇.


生骨bolognese.  The first bowl they brought out were a little undercook, so we decided to return it and they offered to make us another order.


Pudding – FREE… we waited 10+mins for the 2nd bowl of bolognese, and the waiter treated us free dessert.


Dinner for 4 for $10.88.  They wrote off the bolognese and dessert, good job on trying to have the customers coming back next time.

But I doubt we will come back anytime soon. =)

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