Aiden’s normal happy face.
Lately he’s got this geeky little laugh after he’s trying to be funny.
I love his natural, happy, smilie face.
It totally trumps these odd faces.
Doing the big whopping mouth.
I’m sure he’s learning these at school.
He’s such a drama king.
He’s a natural at it!
He’s got more expressions than his Daddie!
Even one small thing, he can make it like a really big thing.
He can one go from different moods and expressions in a matter of seconds.
But he does have “stage fright.”
It’s on his terms.
Aiden’s first time eating Lychee
He loves it, but he doesn’t like the rough spots near the seed.
So it’s a pain to feed it to him.
Aiden has been challenging me a lot lately.
He doesn’t want to stand still in his time out sessions.
In fact he would straight out tell me “NO!”
So his consequences were no dino, no cars, and some other toys for a few days to a full week.
That didn’t quite work and I had to just hold him and not let him move.
Losing his freedom is the worst for him.
That’s the face he did to me once when I put him in time out.
He’s been a little better after those few days of rebellion.
He’s really trying my patience.
He knows all the buttons to push!
This little guy wants to do so much.
But he’s put on so much restrictions.
He’s a climber these days.
Even when we’ve said no.
Another headache for Mommie.
Those headaches just keep coming!
Guess it’s a life time responsibility.
Non-stop! But I wouldn’t change it for anything.