Father’s Day Weekend 2011

This is my first father’s day weekend, a very special one.  Wifey is almost 11 weeks pregnant, and her tummy is growing a lot bigger than I expected.  Last weekend we had an unplanned visit to the doctor office, but doctor found baby and mommy are doing well and both very healthy, nothing need to worry about.  That’s a big relief for both of us.  We also had a chance to see baby swimming inside mommy’s tummy during the ultrasound check-up, I almost had my tears come out.  Baby was very active and I’m sure he/she will give us a handful in the future.

I can’t wait to tell everyone our baby is coming by end of the month.  Woo Hooooo…


The father’s day weekend kicked off with a Friday night dinner at Izakaya Kan Yuzen in Torrance.

It’s 7pm already, and the sun still up; I love summer time, except the temperature.

All waitresses wear kimono.


This is more like an open kitchen than a sushi bar.  The fridge is showing what today special is.


Wifey ordered Inaniwa Udon, it was a little too soggy tho.


Misoyaki with a lot of bones.


Gyutan – Beef tongue


Momo Chicken leg – 毛毛雞?


Crunchy Roll – not crunchy at all (but since wifey haven’t been able to eat sushi, she was satisfied with this)


Sukiyaki Combination set – the worst of the night.


Vanilla ice cream comes with the sukiyaki set.


Lucky I had long planned my father’s day dinner, so the not-so-good izakaya dinner didn’t disappoint me by much.  On the very next night, we headed to Noir Food & Wine for another father’s day dinner.

And the best thing is, when the bill come, this dinner only cost $7.80.  =D

Noir @ Pasadena, a food & wine restaurant for wine lover.


Despite the limited space, the interior is cozy and we found a lot of locals just come here for a few drinks.


Interesting poster behind the bar.


Free Amuse Bouche – Crispy bacon with potato skin.


Seared Scallops, heirloom cherry tomato salad with parsley puree.


Crab Fritters, black pepper aioli on the left and mustard sauce on the right.


Seared Hudson Valley Foie Gras, failed.  It was still cold inside and we requested for a new dish.


Grilled Australian Double Lamp Chop, perfectly cooked.


Foie Gras, this time was much better.


As you may wonder why such a nice dinner cost only $7.80.  That’s because I had purchased a coupon from Living Social few weeks ago, $80 value for only $40.  I probably wouldn’t come if it was for the full price, but with 50% off, I just can’t resist such a good deal.

Happy Father’s Day to me!! And hope many good ones to come.

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