Japan 2022 – Day 3 @ Disneyland Posted by admin on December 25, 2022January 14, 2023 Jadynn been fixing the hotel beds every morning.very neat little girl.Christmas DayPeople Mountain People Sea @ DisneylandOne very nice thing about lining up in Japan is, you actually feel the line is moving quickly…. in order.Grandpa photo bomb.I purposely picked this day to come to Disneyland.So no need to stress out to plan for lunch nor dinner.Family PixMore family pixPeople lining up to have the official disney pix taken in front of the Christmas Tree.Music band playing in the open area.Kids just won’t look at the camera.It’s been like this thru out the trip.Surprisingly, Jadynn still likes Dumbo ride.It’s illusion.The food here is cheap.Too tired to walk already.The Minnie Bows behind are actually popcorn buckets.Don’t fall asleep.She’s still enjoying Disneyland.A lot of young couples are wearing those, so cute.The eyes of jetlag.We were sleepy.Aiden hates Small World.嗲嗲豬 x 2She has been sticking with Grandpa.getting more and more tired.She got a souvenier鱷魚頭, 老襯底ParadeIt’s so crowded, but already better than what we expected.Waiting for the Jamboree Mickey Dancing ShowUdon for JadynnJadynn felt asleep while eating.There’s gonig to be another round of parade.Kids playing with the phone just so they can stay awake.Lucky they can still walk to the train station.And then fell asleep right away.Got some dessert from Family Mart.Cheesecake bites, so yummy. Continue Reading Previous article Japan 2022 – Day 2 @ Tokyo ~ ️️️Next article Japan 2022 – Day 4 @ 新宿 ~ Omakase and WagyuMafia