Daddie’s busy working, but he wanted to make sure that Aiden had some fun.
So Aiden and Mommie headed to the pool.
One of the pool attendants mentioned the one foot high pool that was “perfect” for toddlers…
So we came here to test it out.
At first, Aiden was a little scared.
But he slowly attempted to walk towards Mommie.
But it was time to move to a deeper pool.
As the floatable was useless in this pool.
There wasn’t a lot of people so Aiden had plenty of space.
This pool is definitely more fun.
There’s actuallly people around.
Aiden was a little interested in his new toy.
But he was also interested in what people were doing.
The little fellow will even move his feet about.
Too bad Mommie can’t swim about with him.
We’ll have to wait until Daddie has time.
Daddie will do sillier things with him.
And get him to show more of his sweet, happy smile.
I think it would have been more fun if I brought the other pool toys that came along with his floatable.
But I don’t think I could handle so many things at once.
Even the small amount of items I brought felt like too much.
Wow to the moms that has more than 1, especially taking them out in public on their own.
It’s quite relaxing in the pool right now.
No chasing after him.
No carrying heavy bags.
Part of me didn’t want to leave.
After all it was nice that the blazing sun wasn’t out yet.
The water was on the cool side.
Argh! AIden is trying to drink it.
Yuck! Yuck! Don’t do it Aiden.
Of course he won’t listen.
It was my bad though, to not notice that no sun + cold water = Cold Son
I quickly grabbed him out of the pool.
I didn’t realize how cold he was….
Until I noticed his purple lips.
But he’s playing, so he should be fine.
He didn’t want me to keep him trapped in the blanket.
But I was able to take him away to put on some dry clothes.
And slowly life came back to his lips.
We were all starving by the time it was dinner.
We went to Bacchanal Buffet at Caesar’s palace.
You can tell he was very impatient.
Fruit for dessert at the end of the meal.
We took the express line and paid a little extra.
So there was only about a 5 minute wait.
It was worth it since we got there 15 minutes before dinner started.
It came up to be only a little more than what we would have paid for the dinner price, which by the time we got to the front of the line it would have been dinner price.
And we will have waited at least an hour and a half.
Under those circumstances and an unpredictable child, we thought it was money well spent.
Afterwards we did some window shopping.
Something Mommie doesn’t quite enjoy, but this is an exception.
Aiden just couldn’t get enough of all the business and excitement around him.
The funny thing is he actually wants us to put the cow harness on him….
Just so he doesn’t have to hold our hands.
Of course he isn’t as free as he’d like to be.
And he was forcced to be in time out….
But hey he got to check out the mini aquarium.
Say “hi” to the different species of fish.
He probably wouldn’t have left, but Daddie was ready to head back.
Doesn’t Aiden look like he can party all night?
So energetic, he’s ready to do some climbing!
It’s so funny, normally Aiden isn’t willing to give us kisses with his lips.
But now that we are away from home, kissing isn’t a problem.
But his drools shocked Daddie.
Aiden’s constant yawns lets us know we better hurry back to the hotel.
It feels super late when you’re inside.
But you step out and it’s still light out.
But there’s some black clouds and water drops…
So no second trip to the pool tonight.
Aiden is a little bit too hyper ….
It can’t be because of the Gordon Ramsey advertisement!
When we got back to the hotel, he wanted to put on Daddie’s shoes.
And line up the shoes
Aiden is not shy back at the hotel…
He’s already made sure to make a mess.
He loved going onto the big bed.
It was especially fun when he learned he could climb onto the bed on his own.
There’s a spot that he can step on to help him get all the way up.
He is even so brave to come down on his own.
It’s pretty high, so he lost his footing a little.
But the wall provided some support for him after he landed.
He really felt that this was his spot.
He wanted to push Daddie off the bed!
Of course to no avail.
Poor Mommie’s shoes are lined up at the back
Daddie brought 3 pairs of shoes and 1 pair of slippers for Aiden.
But that wasn’t enough, he even wanted Mommie’s shoes.
Time to take a bath!
The tub is way bigger than the one at home.
He looks like he’s having a lot of fun, but it took a few minutes to get used to the big tub.
He starts off with caution on practically everything.
But then he does thing that make you go “what? why? No, Aiden, No”
It’s not surprising that he’s already learned to say “no, no, no” and shake his fingers when he says it.
We also learned that he can unzip his jacket and take it off too.
At least he knows when he is feeling hot.
Anyhow, even though he had fun in the tub soon he was begging to get out.
Probably because there are no toys in the tub.
And he can’t roam freely, safely.
It’s almost time for bed after a super busy day.
Vegas is the bomb!