Aiden is walking better with his walker. At least he isn’t dragging his feet and lift his legs to walk instead. He still doesn’t enjoy staying in it for long. But even to keep him entertained for 5-10 minutes is…
Little Aiden likes his toys, but he seems to love things adult touches even more. Like the water or lotion bottle. Like before when we tried to give him water but he was so disinterested, until I made a…
Aiden is getting pretty sticky lately. To the extent, I really don’t know what he wants. You hold him, he wants to get down. You let him get down he wants to crawl on you. I know I should…
He has his good moments. Waking up today in a cheery mood. Eating breakfast and watermelon not only willingly, but eagerly. He’s finally able to do his little crawl over to Mommie and Daddie. It still takes a lot…