The day has finally come…Aiden is sticking his toes in his mouth. At times he preferred that over his new favorite food, watermelon. Today we introduced spinach to him. He desperately enjoys spinach more than cabbage. But pureed spinach…
Silly Mommie heard from her co-worker that he soon won’t drink out of a bottle… and so she decided to see if he will drink without a straw, nipple, etc… of course.. he didn’t know how to swallow.. but…
Although we should have done a while ago, we finally did it. We lowered the play pen….all the way down. It was funny going out with Uncle Toorima today. He thinks Aiden still looks the same and wonders when…
Another eventful day for Aiden. 7 months and counting! Since he’s a “big” boy now, for this special day He was so interested when Mommie and Daddie were eating watermelon, that we gave him a few bites. For some…