One moment he’s happy, one moment he’s crying… Mommie’s going to lose her mind. But I guess that beats him always crying.. So, Mommie needs to catch up on some zzzz’s and have more patience with Aiden.
Daddie hadn’t put Aiden to sleep for a long time. Tonight he did while Mommie worked in the kitchen. It took Aiden a while to fall asleep, as he fussed and cried a bit in the crib. But Mommie…
Mommie and Daddie thought the weekend was busy? Ha! Work days are even worse! Not much time to spend with him. All the hours are spent doing one chore or another. Hopefully, Daddie and Mommie will become more efficient….
Poor Aiden, not only does he have the sneezes (though infrequent) but he’s drooling like a small long waterfall. Probably teeth is ready to pop out! Ouch! I think what makes it worse is that he doesn’t understand what…