Aiden was out and about again today, visiting at Pan American Headquarters! He was passed around the table, and made himself comfy. Everyone said he was such a good boy. (And thank you Auntie Lauren for staying away from…
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Today Aiden and I went to visit his Daddie at work. Everyone says he’s just like Daddie, but even more handsome! 😀 If only they see him play at him. He’s so free and fearless sometimes. So cute!
家有一老如有一寶 這句話真係講得冇錯. 何況之前有兩個. 現在家裡都冇咁整齊, 企理. 休閒的日子從此就成為過去. 希望我可以家庭,事業兩者都能夠兼顧得到.