Sixth Doctor Appointment 9/3/11

Last week our appointment was delayed until this week.  What a long wait for Mommy!  The test from the last appointment came back, and so far so good.  Aiden is so active already, Dr. Han had a hard time keeping up with him!  This week Dr. Han showed us all of Aiden’s different organs to make sure everything was ok.  Of course showing us was a bonus.  It’s amazing to see his heart beating on the screen.  Some things we could easily tell what they were, like the spine, his knee, his eyes and nose.  But other things were a bit harder to imagine.


Dr. Han tried very hard to get Aiden’s full body captured on camera.  Aiden is now 1 pound, 2 ounces.

But in less than a month, I’ve got to take the glucose test!  They gave me 10 ounces of glucose water.  An hour before the appointment, I’ve got to drink the whole bottle.  Afterwards they will draw 3 tubes of blood again!  One for glucose, one for anemia, and one for Hepatitis B.  Must pass! Must pass!  Mommy must add oil!


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