Tough Sunday, 15 months 3 weeks

My little fellow….

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He’s always getting himself into things he shouldn’t.

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Some things just intrigue him so much.

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As cute as his antics can be..

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Sometimes it’s just a little too much.

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It’s hard to be firm when he’s super cute or funny…

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I’ve got to turn my head to smile.

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But this particular Sunday…..

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Was Aiden’s naughtiest day on Earth!

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He was in time out countless times.

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He did momentarily have behave well at the park.

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He was not afraid of the waterfowls, ducks or birds.

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It was Mommie that didn’t want him to go too close to them.

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I’m afraid he will irk them in the wrong way and then they’ll bite.

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This is Heritage Park.

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They actually have canon props in a few areas.

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He was ready to explore.

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My little hero….when he’s not being naughty.

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He was much more interested in the living things than the swings or slides.

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He only stopped by because it was on the way.

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Although he was interested in the big kid swings.

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Baby/toddler swing… just grumpiness.

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Not a smile on that face while he was on the swing.

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We tried to get some smiles

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But they were just wasted efforts.

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When we went to eat he threw the spoon on the ground.

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He hurt himself by doing not so smart things.

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Like crazy stunts that gave him an awful mark on his chin.

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Luckily Mommie got a hold of him or he would have had it worse.

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This boy just doesn’t realize “the dangers lurking around.” (haha)

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But that’s the fun of being a kid!

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Act as silly as you want.

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Bring on the laughter!

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So cute yet so naughty.

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Mommie’s gotta learn patience.

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Aiden recently learned the word “打” (hit)

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And so he’ll say it and hit Mommie.

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I gave him a chance to know it’s wrong.

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But he said it again and hit me.

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I don’t think he has done it to Daddie.

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Is it a respect level?

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Just got to teach it over and over to him, until he understands.

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He’s a smart boy, he will learn quickly.

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Daddie and Aiden put this together.

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And Aiden throws a tantrum with Mommie.

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Where do you want me to go Aiden?

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You can’t just try to pull me away with “brute” force.

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Wait until Mommie’s done with my chores.

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At least after Sunday he wasn’t as naughty.

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I guess he wasn’t feeling great with teething and poor sleep.

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He’s such a different boy when he has enough sleep and when he doesn’t.

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On Sunday, he woke up in the middle of his nap and started crying hysterically.

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Nothing could calm him down.

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Not even food!

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Luckily this pain only lasted for 45 minutes or so.

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After that Aiden was back to normal!

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AIden’s tooth should come out soon.

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He’s drooling like crazy.

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This is one of Aiden’s favorite spot to sit.

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Daddie says when Aiden pouts, he looks a lot like Mommie.

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That’s Mommie’s signature expression!

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Aiden is walking so fast these days, pretty soon he will be running.

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It really is borderline running.

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He still needs help going up the sofa.

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Daddie brough up a good point…

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When there are items there he can climb on, he will.

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But he hasn’t moved any items to help him get on the sofa.

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Our little CEO.

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He acts like he owns the place.

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Did I say he is such a boy????

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He is constantly on the go.

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Now he keeps grabbing his shoes and ask you to take him out.

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But if I say it’s time to put on sunblock, he will go and find something else to do.

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But then later he will remember and it takes about a half hour before we can go out.

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It’s like going on a ride at Disneyland.

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Long prep time, but only a short time of fun.

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There he goes trying to get up the sofa again.

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Back to Heritage Park.

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Daddie keeps wanting Aiden to walk towards the duck.

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Even sleeping ones.

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Mommie is afraid Aiden will upset the ducks and geese.

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I don’t want them to bite him.

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I’d be pretty upset if I’m waken up from a nap.

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But Aiden didn’t want to walk for long stretches.

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After every so often he wanted to be picked up.

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Daddie and Aiden just makes it tough for Mommie.

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Daddie wants Aiden to walk.

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But Aiden refuses.

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And Mommie is supposed to carry it out.

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Is this going to be an ongoing theme?

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poor Mommie!

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Aiden knows what is off limits.

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But he loves to challenge authority.

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We’ve had to compromise our original plan.

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Food still is a great way to get him to behave.

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Even if he normally doesn’t like something,

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if I’m preparing it he will want to eat it.

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Once in a while he will take out the pots, but at least not as frequently as he used to.

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Aiden loves to go out in the backyard.

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It’s so small, what is there to do?

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I guess for him, it’s a big place!

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So I’ve been taking him out there more often.

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Of course after he puts on some sun screen.

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Looks like he is doing some exercises!

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He basically just walks in circles.

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This area he is more hesitant to be at, as it’s not an even plain.

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But the grass he loves.

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Oh no! Aiden is stuck!

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And yet he continues to play with the reclining chair.


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