
Since I last read from ToORiMa about ANIMAL back in March, 2010, I’ve been looking forward to give it a try.  After a year, I finally got a chance to take Amy to Animal.  We were both so anxious about their foie gras dish(es).  Friends had warned us that although many of their dishes are sensational but may give you a heart attack as well.  You may wonder why, just keep reading.  =P

Full house on Tuesday night.  I’ve been trying to make a rsvp for few times but they were fully booked for weeks straight.  After a few more tries back in February, I finally secured a table on Tuesday night at 7 which is almost 10 days in advance.

Tonight’s Menu 3/8/11.  I’ve read many good reviews about this place, and their foie gras is one of the main reasons that drew us there.

Chicken Liver Toast $3.  Served cold and topped with the balsamic syrup, the chicken liver toast does has a freshening flavor.  We both like this and end up ordering it again towards the end of dinner.  If you like pate, you will like this appetizer.

Marrow Bone, Chimichurri, Caramelized Onions $10.  The bone marrow flavor was overwhelmed by the caramelized onion, which shouldn’t be the case as the bone marrow is the main ingredient.  (妹仔大過主人婆.)

I still think CUT by Wolfgang Puck bone marrow dish tops Animal’s bone marrow appetizer.

Pig tails, “Buffalo Style”, Celery, Ranch $11.  Surprisingly good, it is similar to the roast suckling pig I had at Macau; very crispy on the outside.  However the buffalo sauce is on the spicy side.  If they had used a sweet sauce instead, it would have been perfect!

Balsamic Pork Ribs, Delicata Squash, Arugula, Pecan $16.  Another favorite dish of mine, juicy and tender pork ribs fall off the bones.  The BBQ sauce was perfectly flavored.

Rock Cod, Creamed Spinach, Caper Brown Butter $15.  Nothing special, nothing spectacular; though I like the cream sauce.  When you bite into the fish it actually isn’t as dry as it may appear.

Foie Gras, Biscuit, Maple Sausage Gravy $23.  Here comes the “main dish”, 2.5oz foie gras sits on top of the biscuit.  The gravy was a little too sweet but the foie gras was perfectly pan seared.  We both love it a lot.  Eat the foie gras and biscuit separately and you’ll enjoy the dish much more!

Encore: Chicken Liver Toast

Encore: Foie Gras Biscuit.  Wow, they double up on the second order?!~  Two big pieces of foie gras, and I think each weight at least 2oz.  Perfectly cooked, chef did a great job to make my wifey happy.  🙂

Sticky Toffee Pudding, Mascarpone, Orange $7.  Sweet, very sweet, super sweet.

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