Mommie and Daddie split up chores! Daddie basically handled the unpacking and organizing around the house, while Mommie took care of Aiden. Mommy finally got to dress AIden in his Peter Rabbit outfit. At least this one, isn’t going to…
Category: Aiden & Jadynn
Aiden stayed in his jumperoo for such a long time while Mommie and Daddie were packing. What a good boy! He seems a bit anxious in all the rooms, except his own room. At least, it already is his…
Mommie and Daddie have been super busy lately. Thus leaving Aiden alone most times to explore and think on his own. He seems to have learned so much during this time.
What a long day at Daycare today! His teacher said that he would watch the other little ones eat, and would stare at them. So, I guess we will pack him some rice cereal to take to school from…