Day 71 – Hissy fit


It’s been a bad day for Aiden today.  The good discipline and acceptable sleeping pattern of the past week all seemed to revert back to what it was a week ago.  Shorter stretches of sleep throughout the night and day, as well as his tantrum.

Aiden was ready to tell you who’s the boss!  And Daddie was going to have nothing to do with it, because in his eyes, HE’s the boss!  So thank goodness Mommie was so tired she went to bed before 8 because she didn’t see or hear any of this happening.

Crying, crying, and more crying.  Not just a tear….. Made his face all red!  And mommie all heart broken just looking at the pictures.

But in the end, after being fed, Aiden was all smiles!

Let’s see if he can keep those hissy fits to a minimum and sleep for longer stretches during the night. That’s the goal!


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