Day 8 – Dr Visit

Big day today! Aiden’s first Dr visit. This is just the initial check up to make sure he’s doing fine.  It’s also his first outing since he left the hospital.  Just like the car ride home from the hospital, he looked uneasy but it wasn’t long before he fell asleep.

(Look at how much Daddy loves me, he added toys to my car seat even before I could enjoy them)

Time to wake him up, and strip him down to his diapers.  Nurse needs to get his weight and length.  Uh oh.. time to change his diaper first.


6lb4oz (He was 6lb1.5oz when discharged from hospital) and 19.75″ in length.  3 different people took his height but all 3 had different measurements.  His doctor noted that it’s difficult to get an accurate measurement until he is older.


We can only cover him up with a blanket at the moment as we’re waiting for the Dr to come in.


His favorite wink wink expression again.


I was quite surprised he’s not fussy at all after we woke him up.  He was extremely cooperative and very energetic.  Normally he sleeps regardless of what we do to wake him up!


That stethoscope is cold!!


Dr also checked his spine.  All good.  Doctor even noted that he had beautiful skin.


After all these tests, this little guy feels a little annoyed and upset.


He doesn’t like his car seat at all.


After Aiden’s Dr visit, we went to the Old Vine Cafe @ Costa Mesa for a quick brunch.



Wheat toast with pistachio nut butter.


English muffin with apple butter.


Reuben Omelet


Ham & Cheese Omelet


Caramel Apple French Toast


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