Sometimes my boy is just so cute and sweet.
Helping with chores.
He hated the previous vacuum.
But this one is light and the noise isn’t as hard on the ears.
Keep it up Aiden!
But on the other hand, he got into a little scuffle at school.
All over a sandbox toy.
Daddie asked Aiden how he hit his classmate.
Daddie said his punch 都幾大力.
Mommie went out with friends and lucky Aiden is out having fun with Daddie.
Daddie took him to the lego store at Downtown Disney.
He got toys to play with.
Aiden surely knows who’s the right person to ask.
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And some nice live music as well. He was actually dancing along too.
Daddie couldn’t leave the Lego store without something for Aiden.
On top of that he’s got little hot dogs too.
Daddie said Aiden was behaving very well.
He was willing to walk on his own and not be held…
for a price!
The power of toys.
Aiden loves to copy us.. playing on the phone.
And when Mommie was at work and Daddie was asleep, Aiden had a little fun.
Weather wasn’t very good on Sunday, so they hung out at the mall for a short time period.
All the shops were still closed.
Galen said Aiden went by each store and would say “Not open it’s door, closed”.
Daddie said that morning Aiden was looking all over for me.
Ah, it’s great to be loved!