
We are having NYE hot pot party tonight and needed to go Torrance for some grocery shopping.  So wifey had picked a Japanese restaurant for lunch in the area.

haha.. this is the front door… you can easily miss it when driving by… but surprisingly this place is packed during lunch and many Japanese folks come here for lunch too… this place must be good..

lets see what to order…  it seems like a lot of ppl ordering their Udon or house made noodle…

very busy kitchen, there’re like 6 ppl working in this tiny kitchen and they were busy the whole time.

lets start off with appetizer … huge sea eel tempura and fishcake (shrimp & scallop) termpura

Wifey is getting the chicken bowl

and I got the pork cutlet bowl… yummmmmmmy…

and we found out they have this red bean dessert which look similar to the one we had @ 法善寺 in Oaska and taste very similar too… super SWEET..

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