2 big things happened today! A breakthrough for Mommie: first time Mommie bathed Aiden on her own. The other exciting event was Aiden’s first pureed veggie. We spent much time taking the pea out of the pod. At first…
Monday again! OMG! Reality strikes! Everyone has been asking Mommie, how’s it been? I was fine, but it finally hit me! I am soooooo tired! I’m not complaining, I don’t have the right to. Boy do I know how lucky…
Mommie and Daddie split up chores! Daddie basically handled the unpacking and organizing around the house, while Mommie took care of Aiden. Mommy finally got to dress AIden in his Peter Rabbit outfit. At least this one, isn’t going to…
Aiden stayed in his jumperoo for such a long time while Mommie and Daddie were packing. What a good boy! He seems a bit anxious in all the rooms, except his own room. At least, it already is his…