Busy day, tired day, bad day… Doesn’t matter Because what comes first? Aiden. So we trudge along some more. And today Aiden got his first change of clothes at school. Nothing big, just a minor issue.
Shall we begin the countdown? By the end of the week it will be a new environment for Aiden. So much to do, and so little time to play with the little fellow. Aiden woke up every 3 hours…
Daddy was super busy, and super tired today. But he still managed a little time to play with Aiden. What a great Dad! The two of them took turns chuckling. Oh what fun it is to play with Daddy…
Daddy did many things with Aiden today. He took Aiden to day care. He picked Aiden up, who was having lots of fun. Aiden has been chatting away, according to the teachers there. They went shopping together…although Aiden mostly slept…