Special Doctor’s Visit

Today was a long wait to see the Doctor, one whole hour.  It was not a very enjoyable process.

But in the end I didn’t mind since they provided some ultrasound pictures…I guess it’s a mommy thing..Daddy didn’t think much of the pictures.

I don’t know how they look at these pics… but that little hand is pointing at his important part :X


Aiden was not being cooperative.  He wouldn’t show himself.  The nurse kept patting my tummy to get him to respond.


Here Aiden is facing us, but the picture was just too dark.


This was the best picture she could get.. close up! Look at his chubby cheeks! I think Aiden looks like his daddy, though Daddy doesn’t think so.  Daddy says you can’t tell anything from the picture.  But I think if you really look, you can see his profile and features pretty well.  Brought cheerful tears to my eyes.  I can’t wait to see my baby boy! 🙂  He is approximately 3 lbs and 9 ounces.  The Doctor was not very exact about it.

Less than 11 weeks or so to go! Aiden and Mommy will both add oil! 😀

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