A few years back I fell in love with photography. Photography isn’t just capturing a picture, it’s art and it tells a story. A picture is worth a thousand words, if it is taken correctly. So in my path to picture perfection, I took an intensive 2-day workshop on photography. I got to work with a famous, and incredibly experienced photographer. His name is Dove and he has been doing photoshoots for Billabong in the past few years, and some of his works can be found in magazines such as Geek and BPM. He sharpened my skills especially in regards to shooting angles and lighting. I couldn’t have asked for a better learning opportunity. The first day was great, but the second day was icing on the cake. We didn’t have just any subject to try out these new techniques on, we had Jessica Serfaty, who ranked fifth in Season 8 of America’s Next Top Model. Working with someone who has a background in modeling does have its perks. She posed and smiled naturally. After every snapshot she knew to change it up a little. Of course when you are working with a beautiful model who helps give you inspiration it’s easy to take amazing pictures.
The L.A. Photo School w/ Dove Shore & Jessica Serfaty