We’re trying out another new restaurant today, chi SPACCA.  It opened just 2 moths ago.  Chi SPACCA is part of the Mozza Group (Osteria Mozza, Pizzeria Mozza), located right next to the Mozza2GO.  We will be eating a lot of meats tonight, as this is what Chef Chad Colby is good at.


The menu is simple, but yet everything sounds so good we wanted to order everything.  ToORiMa and I already discussed what to order days in advance and figured some of the must-order dishes.  Sadly, the “funghi ripiene” was not on the menu tonight, it is a stuffed mushroom with pork sausage and veal dish.  I guess this gives us another excuse to come back again.  Another famous dish we’ve seen a lot of people ordering during dinner was “bistecca fiorentina’, which is a 42 oz. grass-fed piedmontese @ $175.  I still can’t justify paying $4/oz for a steak but definitely want to give it a try some day.


ToORiMa ordered the house wine pairing.


Looks like a glass of Ribena.


Affettati misti, these are house-made salami and pate.  The chef has his own dry-curing salami room in the back.  Many of us like the pate more than the rest of it.


Aiden got his Alta Dena pairing for tonight.

Pane Bianco with Lardo Mantecato, Aiden had so much bread, which he absolutely loves.


Bone-in turbot.  The fish taste was so strong, Aiden did not enjoy.


The waitress is pouring white wine this time to pair with Razor Clams!


Razor Clams.  I’m amazed how good this is, the clams were pan fried with only some simple ingredients such as herbs and olive oil.  Look at the size of these razor clams, we don’t even see this at asian seafood markets.  We all agreed that by far, this was one of the best dishes tonight.


Another house wine.


Beef & bone marrow pie.  Very strong in flavors, yet taste so good.  If the bone marrow came in a bigger piece, Amy would be more satisfied.  She didn’t even have a spoonful.


Red wattle pork coppa steak.  It looks dry, but was quite tender and infused with rosemary.  Yummy!


Polla alla diavola – a little too spicy for our taste.


Tiramisu – the rum taste was very strong.

Great 2-hour dinner.  We recommend.


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