Tsujita LA Artisan Noodle ANNEX

Another brand new ramen joint opened this weekend, Tsujita LA Artisan Noodle ANNEX.  Located right across the original store.  They don’t feel they are competing against each other since their ramen are completely different styles.  The ANNEX serve nothing but ramen all day long.


Grand Opening special: first 10 customers get a bowl of ramen for free, worth $9 each.  Is Aiden going to like this place?


People started to line up outside at 1030, we were the 5th and 6th in line.  Then they started giving out the free ramen pass to those early birds.  Amy hesitated with her choice of ramen bowl, since she’s not a big fan of ramen like me; she even considered ordering just a spicy tuna rice bowl, at a ramen place, really?  She kept asking is it really free, and would only get a bowl if it true.  真係滴晒汗…


Very busy kitchen.  Unfortunately, they do not have the miso soup base today.


This is pretty much the whole restaurant, 10 seats at the bar and two more tables.


A little background introduction of the ramen.  Did the chef reincarnate and come back to open the ANNEX?


The ONIKASU was good, one spoonful was already enough spice up the noodle.


They got chopsticks for little kids too.


Here is the ramen with chasiu, free.  Look at the bean sprouts mountain, it taste so good after soaking in the pork bones soup base for a while.  Amy only ate 1/3 of the bowl and I finished the rest, so full but so satisfied.  The enriched soup base with the chewy noodles is definitely one of the best in LA; although Yamadaya is still the best in Amy’s list.


Amy’s order with an extra flavored egg.  Aiden loves the noodles too, he had a small bowl of it with soup.


The spicy tuna bowl, the one Amy wanted to order in the first place; and we still wanted to give it a try.  $4 bowl, doesn’t look good but the taste was not bad.


With the extra chasiu @ $4 each (not shown in above), otherwise, this lunch could had been just $6 only.


Do I recommend this place? yes.  Are we coming back soon? probably not for a long while, because the wait is crazy.


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