Fat Cow & Milk

For Galen’s birthday we went on a day date.

Aiden went to day care to take his school pictures while we went out to a couple places Galen picked.

First stop, Fat Cow.

They seemed pretty unorganized.

Hours posted says 11 but when we got there they told us they aren’t open until another 15 minutes.

Mirrors are everywhere.

Their decorations….well barn-like..suits their business name.

For the appetizer we got the branzino ceviche with avocado aioli.  It was refreshing and a nice surprise.

Their main dish – long rib – however was a bit of a disappointment.  It took close to 45 minutes to arrive on our table and the waitress didn’t give us any forewarning.

Pepper-crusted.. but not much flavor at all.  Between the two of us, we had leftovers.

That tells you a lot! Obviously the meal was mediocre because everyone knows how much we can eat.

Then we headed over to Milk for dessert.

Again it was half good, half “bad.”

Thai Tea (macaron) sandwich was what captivated us both.

There were many other desserts available.

But… the ice cold items were more appetizing to us.

Though we could have easily finished one on our own, we shared this one.

And the disappointment was the mint chip malt ball shake.

The malt balls were hard because of the coldness, that it actually made the drink lose its appeal.

But it’s not about me on this special day.  It’s all about Galen.  So hope you had a Happy Birthday!



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