The long awaited moment finally arrived! The past weekend we’ve been awaiting anxiously for 12/27, as this was going to be the start of the marathon and it starts with a simple phone call. Tick tock, tick tock… 6 pm….
Wow…the time is really nearing. The big event that I’ve been putting off not thinking about is just around the corner… Labor and Delivery! Each day I just look forward to the next Non-stress test or the next Doctor’s appointment,…
Baby sitters a.k.a Aiden’s grandparents are coming to town. First time in 16 years celebrating Christmas with them, and I’m sure this will definitely be a memorable one. They also brought over a full suit case of gifts for our…
某年某月某日, 一個風和日麗既下午… 某君問: 你個仔幾時出世呀? 我: 快喇快喇… 某君: 咁你不如帶你老婆去食餐好既, 我請喇… 我: 咁好?!~ (滿面疑惑中)… 有幾錢budget 先… 某君: No Budget… 就係咁, 同老婆經過一番熱論之後, 我地揀左三間心儀既餐廳 1. The Saam Room @ SLS – 可惜夫哩仆突 2. The Capital Grille – 又好似啱啱食左冇耐喎 3. Cut by Wolfgang Puck…
Christmas is almost here, and its about time to have a Christmas dinner with friends before baby Aiden is born. Last year, we went to the CUT at Beverly Hills with Benny & Janice; this time we took a longer…