Checking blood sugar level

After a week of the new diet, my fasting blood sugar level (in the morning before eating) had not been ideal.  My dietitian gave me another week to see if I could reduce it.  I hadn’t been under a hundred for the first ten days, and things weren’t looking good.  But Sunday hit and luck seems to change a little.  I not only had my level under 100, but within range as well.  Although my morning score still fluctuates up and down but I am getting a better hang of what causes my score to be low or high.  I’ve also changed up my diet from the week before because eating starches (even wheat) has not been effective for me, yet every meal (including snacks) has at least one or two servings.  So I’m following my OB’s guide, using the Glycemic Index instead.  This week I’ve been a little more lax, although scores better… so I will need to keep it up and be good.  My dietitian said if my OB will track how I’m doing, I won’t need to go to her.  So I am hoping I continue to do well and meds doesn’t even need to be up for discussion.  I’m looking forward to next week to see how my progress will be.



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